Food Recap - Jan. 1st

Friday, January 2, 2009

Ahh, the first day of a new year, perfect time to start being diligent about my diet! (especially since my dress fitting is at the end of January!). I am proud, because I already went shopping and gots lots of healthy food; and I even made a new WW recipe last night :)

Egg Whites & Tomatoes - 3 points
Roasted Potatoes - 4 points

Mediterranean Salad Mix - 3 points

Weight Watchers Vegetable Quesadillas - 3 points
(I can't find this recipe online, but I'll copy if from my book later on today, I promise!)

Lay's Cracker Crisps - 4 points
Weight Watchers Ice Cream Sandwich (so yummy, you can get them in the frozen foods) - 2 points

So, 19 points, pretty good for starting a new year :) I was a bit wary of the quesadilla recipe when I realized that all they had was veggies, flour & milk and no cheese, but I thought they were really good - they have a little kick since they have cayenne and green chilis; and for a whole quesadilla, it's only 3 points!


Samantha said...

So do you go to WW meetings? Or do the online thing? I am very curious about this because it seems that everyone is doing this now! You did a good job on starting the new year off right!

Kat said...

I only have the online membership, which is $14.95/month. My mom has a membership to both, which costs more (online & meetings), which costs more, but I am not sure exactly how much. She says the main advantage to the meetings is really just the accountability of having to weigh in in front of other people every week, which probably is quite helpful; but you can get all the rest online - the Points Tracker, recipes, etc. - I really like it!