New Weight-Loss Show: DietTribe

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

So, I definitely judged when I first heard the radio ads for Lifetime's DietTribe - I mean, the title itself is already pretty ridiculous. However, I watched the first episode tonight and thought it was pretty good. It's about five overweight friends all trying to lose 30 pounds in 90 days.

They have a personal trainer, but they are on their own other than that (I think people somehow imagine a personal trainer just makes you fit magically, and I also used to be one of those people who said "Oh, well, if I had a personal trainer/nutritionist, I would be fit too!" - but I mean, you have to sit there and do the hard work - and for me at least, I only go once a week, so the other 6 days, and for all the nutrition aspects, I am on my own). So, I like that it is much more like what people deal with in real life as compared to the Biggest Loser. Anyways, it's a fun thing to watch if you're into reality tv!


NDKate07 said...

I watched it last night because it was re-shown @ 1 am after sitcoms I had on to fall asleep to. I, too, scoffed at the adds but I really got into the people and how actually real it is. I mean, if I were in the biggest loser house and knew if I ate from the fatty fridge I'd lose hundreds of thousands of dollars I could probably do it... but here alone, w/no trainer I"m like hell yeah lets pop popcorn and eat a million m&ms lol! I'm intrigued to see how they all do!

NDKate07 said...

PS - you better not calorie count on saturday.... I got a you a yummy sounding cake and there will be LOTS of drinking, bachelorette O:-)

irish06hls09 said...

I am thinking of doing a mock calorie count post for Saturday - like "4 Tequila shots - 3 points; drunken cheese fries - 20 points" LOL!!