Food Recap - Jan. 21st

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Nature Valley Oats n' Honey granola bar - 2 points (I was proud that i ate one of them and threw the 2nd away - why do they have to come in packages of two? It's just tempting me, lol!)

So I didn't have a second for lunch today because I went straight from the gym to court, and from court to class, so I hate to say this, but I had to have my lunch out of the vending machine (I know, I know, I should no better!). So yeah, lunch was Baked Lays - 3 points.

Since I was starving from not eating lunch, I ate dinner at like 4:30 :) I had two vegetable maki rolls, yum! I of course do not know the exact nutritional info for these rolls in particular, but it's probably about 400 calories/8 points for both rolls.'

More Snyder's chocolate covered pretzels - they're so good! - 3 points

Exercise: 50 min/600 calories on the elliptical.