Running Update: 2 Miles!!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I went to the gym with Andrew this weekend (it's so frustrating because I am a morning gym person but he always wants to go at like 2pm, at which point my motivation to work out is pretty much gone, lol!) and he has been pushing me to try to get better at running, and so he hopped on a treadmill next to me and did his 5 miles at some ridiculous 8 mph pace or whatever he does, while I did my more leisurely 5mph pace - I often wanted to get off but he kept giving me the thumbs up, telling me to keep going, it was nice :)

And although I had to take a couple 30 second breaks, I did manage to run 2.25 miles! I am so proud of myself! I am never going to be a runner, nor am I really trying to be, but i figure it's good to switch up my exercise between the elliptical, running, strength training, classes, etc. I definitely had a hard time, and wanted to get off after a mile, but I somehow made it! I've just got to try to get better at stopping less! (I have made a pact not to slow down & walk at all because then I never can get started again, but if I really am failing, I will press the stop button and take 10 seconds to get a sip of water and then get back on).