A Full One Hour Strength Training Workout!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Today was my return to personal training, and it was my favorite workout ever, Kerry's new plan for me is circuit training and I LOVED it!! See, before, we'd been doing things like doing all my bicep curls all at once - 3 sets of 10 or whatever; and by the last set, my form was bad and I was tired. So now I'm doing 1 set of bicep curls, then one of triceps, one of sit ups, etc. and then repeating, and doing it all consecutively without breaks. For me, it seemed much easier even though I was doing the same things ultimately; and I actually did much better on the 2nd & 3rd sets of each thing as opposed to doing worse and being tired. So, anyways, here's the entire workout - aside from the cardio warmup, the only equipment needed is free weights (pretty cheap to get at Wal-Mart, Target, etc.) and a mat would be helpful.

Cardio Warmup:
10 minutes of the elliptical - 5 minutes of doing a decent pace; and then for the second 5 minutes, we switched off - 30 seconds of around 140 strides per minute and then 30 seconds of going all out, like 190 strides per minute. We always do a cardio warmup like this to get the heartrate going.

Circuit One (Do This Three Times) (Do all the he exercises below one time through, and then do the whole circuit two more times):

Overhead Press w/free weights (I did 7.5 pounds), 12 Reps - we did this with a step (also can just be done on stairs) where I would step onto the step, do the press, then go back down & repeat - to make it harder, don't let the weights all the way down to your side, always keep them like what you see in the picture on the left above, and when you step up, press them all the way up like the picture on the right.

Bicep Curls, 12 Reps (I did 10 lb weights) - Kerry had me do these while in a half-squat position which makes it a bit more difficult.

Tricep Kick-backs, 12 Reps (I did 7.5 lb weights) - I also did these in a half-squat position; you can see above what you do, you hold the weights by your side like the first picture, then move then straight back til you feel it in the triceps.
And finally, 5 push-ups and 10 sit-ups (I did sit-ups with the stability ball, but you can do any kind really).
Circuit Two (Do This Twice Through)

One Leg-Lunges, 10 Times Per Leg (Do 10 reps where you the right leg is in back and moving up and down, then 10 reps where the left leg is in back and moving up and down - see picture above for what the exercise should look like)

Sliding Lunge, 10 Times Per Leg (We used Gliders for this, but I bet if you just took your shoes off, your socks would allow you to slide your back leg in the same way - basically, you take a regular lunge position, and then slide your back leg all the way back like in the pic above, and them slide it forward again). For more info on how to do a lunge slide, go to: http://exercise.about.com/od/exerciseworkouts/l/blglideresist.htm.

Bicycle crunches (see earlier post on ab workouts)- 15 Crunches
Squats - 10

Circuit Three (Do This Just Once)
5 Push-Ups
20 High-knee kicks or 20 Jumping Jacks (something cardio related)
5 Push-Ups
15 Kicks or Jumping jacks
5 Push-Ups
10 Kicks or Jumping Jacks

This may seem like a lot, but I promise it all fits into an hour, and the time goes by quickly since you're constantly moving around (we just took breaks in between the circuits).