Long Time, No Blog!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sorry for my failure/lack of food recaps for the last few days, but I was out of town for my bridal shower & bachelorette (SO much fun!!!). I wouldn't dare recap my food for these days, as it basically consisted of pizza, fries, cake, mexican food and lots of alcohol units (as Bridget Jones would say, lol).

The crazy thing is, by some miracle of miracles, I lost a pound this weekend - perhaps my scale is broken, ha ha! So I am so excited to finally be firmly in the low/mid 170's. I spent a good 8 months just wavering between 177 and 183, every time I'd get into the 170's, I'd go back up again to the 180's, and I was honestly about to just give up! So, I am very excited to now be down 18 pounds, SO close to the 20 pound mark! I am going to try to get to 170 by the end of January, and 165 by the wedding, but even what I have done so far is pretty great I think :)