Getting Wedding-Worthy Arms

Sunday, February 22, 2009

One of the things Kerry & I have worked on a lot in our PT sessions is buffing up my arms, since that's one of the few things you actually see of my body in the wedding dress. In addition to bicep curls, lateral pull downs, push-ups, etc. we've worked a lot on tricep exercises. Because, let's be honest, a lot of people have arms with the jiggle at the bottom. And the only way to work on this is to tricep exercises. Here's some recommendations:

Tricep Kick-Backs - I know I've blogged out how to do these before, and here's some instructions as well -

Tricep Dips - in this exercise, you basically position yourself on a bench or some other solid surface as you see in the picture above, and then use your arms to move your body up and down - it's harder than it looks! It really hurts the triceps, I can only do 10 at a time then I have to take a break!

Skull Crushers - in these, you lay down on some sort of bench, and hold on to a weight with both hands (choose something heavier than you'd do for your bicep curls, shoulder presses, etc. - for example, I do 12.5 lbs for this exercise, as opposed to 10 for shoulder presses), then lower it right behind your head. The pics above explain the exercise well I think. Just make sure to have someone spot you, so you don't actually hit your head w/the weight, lol.

Hope this helps you girls trying to buff up your arms!!