Workouts: Squats!

Monday, December 15, 2008

In addition to cardio, the best thing for legs according to my trainer is squats and lunges - they aren't fun, but they work! (I had previously done some leg work on the machines at the gym, but there's really nothing like the old fashioned way, it's a better workout!)


For a basic instruction on how to do squats well, here's a good video to show you: The general concept behind a squat is simple, but at least for me, it took awhile to get the technique really right.

If you've never done squats before - or like me, have just have always been bad at them - a really good way to get the technique down is to use a stability ball. Place the stability ball between the wall and your back and squat down (weight on your heels, don't bend the knees in) as far as possible, then come back up. After a few times with the stability ball, try it without.

In a strength training workout, I'll try to do about 30 squats or so. After getting the general technique down, you can add weights - first just try holding the weights by your sides while doing the squats; later, you can actually do bicep curls along with the squats.


zoliepup said...

I'm on the fit bride tip too. You can find me at
for workout and diet moral support. I'm trying to only post about this stuff once a week or so, but it's always there ;)

Samantha said...

ugh. the dreaded squats. but as much as i hate them.. they help. when i used to cheer, my legs were hot!!! lol I just need motivation!!!!!