Dec. 12th - Food Recap

Friday, December 12, 2008

So today was the dreaded dinner out, but I feel like it went pretty well!

Breakfast: 0
None (I know, I know, I should eat breakfast- I didn't not eat breakfast on purpose - I went to the gym, and the post office, and then did some work and then it was 11am, which is lunch time in my book)

Lunch: 10
Red Pepper & Cheese Quiche - 7
Baked Beans - 3

Snack: 4
Peanuts & Chocolate Chips - 4 points

Butternut Squash Tortelli - from what i can find online of very similar recipes with the brown sugar maple sauce, it seems to actually be pretty good for you, this site claims it's 1000 calories for 36 raviolis (, and I had like 6 - I doubt it was really 250 calories, that seems unusally low, but either way, I am proud that I didn't get something terribly bad for me.

1/2 Chocolate Tort - Again, have no idea for calories, but it was like a 2 inch little thing, and I only had half, so I don't think it was terrible.

So, it's 14 points plus dinner - that allows 11 points for my dinner - and even if it happened to be above that, I have my 36 flex points for the week I haven't used any of, and I am pretty sure the meal didn't exceed 47 points (cuz that would be 2350 calories!)


RhodeyGirl/Sabrina said...

eat breakfast pretty lady~ loving the blog!

if you want some great recipe ideas check out my blog but also,, there are tons of them and they all have reallly good quick recipe ideas!~

irish06hls09 said...

Thanks for the tip, they all look like great blogs!