Interval Running - Sample Workout

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I have been doing a good bit of running lately to try to start training for another half-marathon. But I am not someone who can just get on the treadmill, set it to 7.0 and go for miles - not even close! I usually have to change the speed frequently so I can get a little rest, then do some bursts of faster running.

I found a good sample interval workout on the treadmill, and just wanted to share it:

1 - 5(minutes) brisk walk at 5.0
6-7- jog at 5.5
7-8 - run at 6.5-6.8
8-9 - jog at 5.5
9-10 - run at 6.5-7.0
10-11- brisk walk at 5.0
11-12 - run 6.5-7.0
12-13 - brisk walk at 5.0
13-14 - run at 6.5-7.0
14-15 - jog at 5.5

Also, this can of course be adjusted for however fast you can go - you can start out the walking at 3.0 or 4.0 and adjust the other speeds accordingly.