A Kick-Butt Arms Workout

Monday, March 2, 2009

If you're really into getting your arms fit for your wedding, then this workout is for you! But warning, it really is a full hour of just arms, and your arms will likely kill. My trainer made the whole thing, and she recommends it be done 3 times a week; and says it takes about 3 weeks to really see the visible results. You can google any of these exercises for more info on how to do them. The weights listed below are what I use, but do whatever works best for you!

Circuit One (repeat 2-3 times)

Bicep curls with dumbbells - 12.5 pounds/12-20 reps
Tricep pushdowns - 30-40 pounds/15 reps
Seated Row - 30-40 pounds/15 reps
Push-Ups on Bosu - 10 reps

Circuit Two (repeat 2-3 times)

Preacher curls - 2o lbs/12-20 reps
Tricep kickbacks w/dumbbells - 10 lbs/15 reps
Standing row - 40 or 50 lbs/15 reps
Push ups on floor, not Bosu - 10 reps

Circuit Three (repeat 2-3 times)
Dumbbell chest press - 12.5 lbs/ 12-15 reps
Front raises w/dumbbells - 5 lbs/8-10 reps
Side raises w/dumbbells - 5 lbs/8-10 reps
Hold high plank - 10 seconds
Side plank - 10 seconds on each side

I did this today, and hopefully it'll help make my arms buff :)