Same Taste, Fewer Calories

Thursday, January 7, 2010

One of my favorite "bad for me" foods is Domino's Buffalo Chicken Pizza (well, except i don't eat meat, so for me, it's just buffalo pizza). It's SO yummy!

But of course, it's also so bad for you. So, I decided to come up with my own lower-calorie version. I took an english muffin (100-130 calories, depending on which kind you get), about 1/4 cup of low-moisture, part-skim mozzarella (80 calories) and 1/2 tsp of Frank's Red Hot sauce (35 calories). So, for around 200 calories, you get two little english muffin mini buffalo pizzas, and with a lot less fat too. I recommend it! (And if you do eat meat, I am sure these would be yummy with chicken too).


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